Cooperation with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
Organisation of a joint webinar with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) to share experiences on sustainability implementation in companies
Sustainable development requires global and cross-sector cooperation. Through the contact of InvestHK, our then managing director Dr. Alexis Katechakis and consultant Yan Tung Chan started a cooperation with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) to facilitate exchange between Germany and Hong Kong as well as on an international level. On October 11, 2021, the first joint English-language webinar on the topic: "Business Opportunities by Sustainability: Trending and Best Practices from Europe" was organized.
During the two-hour webinar, Dr. Alexis Katechakis gave a presentation on the experiences of European companies in promoting sustainable development at a strategic level. In addition, the political framework and trends in Europe were presented. Finally, Dr. Katechakis recommended that cultural differences should also be taken into account in international cooperation on the subject of sustainability.
Dr. Stephan Krinke – Head of Sustainability Strategy and Programs of our client Volkswagen AG – presented the Group's sustainability strategy from a practical perspective and explained the path to decarbonization along the entire value chain.
On the Hong Kong side, Dr. Lawrence Cheung – Chief Innovation Officer – gave a welcome speech on behalf of the Hong Kong Productivity Council. Ms. Tracy Zhou – Lead Consultant for Environment, Waste Management and Corporate Sustainability – outlined the two main driving forces for stronger environmental, social and governance (ESG) development in Hong Kong: “Hongkong Carbon Neutral 2050” policy and customer expectations. These political and societal demands provide opportunities for green finance and product innovation for Hong Kong and international companies.
Finally, Ms. Nathaëlle Davoust – General Manager of L'Occitane Hong Kong and Macau – shared her experience in implementing and communicating sustainability in retail. She emphasized the need for clear goals and both short- and long-term investments on company side. Above all, however, it would be about bringing about a change in mindset through education and commitment as well as internal and external communication. These findings also correspond to our experience at
We look forward to continuing to work with InvestHK, the Hong Kong Productivity Council and other webinar attendees! 與香港生產力促進局 (HKPC) 共同舉辦跨國網絡研討會,並分享了歐洲企業實踐可持續發展的經驗。
可持續發展需要全球各國家界別的協作和努力。通過香港投資推廣署(InvestHK)的牽綫搭橋, 的總裁Alexis Katechakis博士和顧問陳欣彤小姐發起了與香港生產力促進局的合作,以促進德國與香港,以及國際間的交流。在2021年10月11日,我們合辦了首次網絡研討會。主題為《可持續發展的機遇——歐洲的發展趨勢和最佳實踐》。
在兩個小時的研討會中Alexis Katechakis博士從戰略層面分享了歐洲企業推動可持續發展的經驗、解析了歐盟的綠色政策、分析了歐洲的發展趨勢,最後更提出了文化差異的重要性。及後,我們的客戶,大衆汽車集團總秘書處可持續發展戰略和項目主管Stephan Krinke 博士從實踐角度介紹了大衆汽車集團的可持續發展戰略與措施,以至在整條價值鏈上的脫碳之路。
最後Nathaëlle Davoust 女士,歐舒丹香港及澳門總經理分享了她在零售業實施和溝通可持續發展的心得。Davoust 女士認爲,落實可持續發展是一個複雜而漫長的旅程。企業必須有明確的目標,作出短期和長期的投資。更重要的,是通過教育、内部和對外的溝通來改變思維方式。這些見解也與我們 不謀而合。