Alexandra Namyslowski
B. B. A. International Business and M. A. and M. Phil. Intercultural Advertising
Contact Details
Email: alexandra.namyslowski@fors.earth
Bachelor in International Business and Management (Hanze University Groningen, Netherlands) and Double Degree Master of Arts and Philosophy in Intercultural Advertising (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland).
Many years of experience as a consultant in management consultancies, advertising agencies and start-ups and as marketing manager, most recently at Sono Motors in Munich. Experience from brand consulting projects with over numerous companies, mainly from the automotive, IoT, mobility, food & beverages, education and financial services sectors.
Focus: Brand strategy, communication conception, corporate identity, campaign communication, moderation.
Top SDG: 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production – because every resource is borrowed from our (grand)children (and not provided by our (grand)parents) and business models based on unsustainable products from unsustainable supply chains are not justifiable.