Ecological Sustainability in Audi's Production
Strategy development for the focus topic of "ecological sustainability" in Audi's production
At the end of 2018, the Audi management board member responsible for Production adopted a new departmental strategy in line with the current "Consistently Audi" corporate strategy. One of the five central elements of the strategy is the focus topic "ecological sustainability" in production at all Audi locations. It was therefore necessary to answer the question of what the associated target for the year 2025 should look like, taking into account all relevant players.
This question was answered by conducting a workshop, designed and facilitated by fors, with those responsible for production (management board + plant managers), environmental protection officers and central cross-departmental functions. The result of the workshop was - taking into account various framework conditions (Sustainable Development Goals, stakeholder requirements, VW parent company etc.) - the development of a strategic Audi target for the year 2025 on the topic of "ecological sustainability". Furthermore, factors critical to the success of the implementation of the developed sub-strategy were identified, which will serve as a basis for further action.
The concretization of the focus topic "ecological sustainability" is the impetus and basis for the development of solution paths to achieve the set goals through operational measures. In addition to the development of measures, the further agenda also includes the development of an effective organizational structure including communication support based on a communication concept.
Further development and implementation of the strategy
Since the kick-off, the selected core team has also met for a workshop to set up the organizational structure to implement the strategy as well as a two-day workshop to determine the content of the measures. Experts were nominated and questions defined for the four focus topics, which are now to be dealt with in so-called 'hubs'. fors contributed its external perspective as well as stakeholder expectations and supplemented the discussions with critical questions and comments from the experts' perspective. Thus, fors contributed significantly to creating a solid basis for the implementation of the strategy and will continue to support it, including in the development and implementation of a communications concept.