5 days. 5 topics. – The Audi Environment Week 2022 moderates an interactive format as part of the Audi Environment Week to activate and inspire Audi employees at Audi locations worldwide.
„Join us: With your Mission to Zero“
For the second time, AUDI AG organized an environment week for its employees. Around 88,000 employees from all of the company's production sites devoted a week to various sustainability-related issues. This year, the focus was on the Audi employees themselves. Under the motto "Join us: With your Mission to Zero", the challenge was to set personal highlights in environmental and climate protection for a week. The supporting program included lectures, film screenings in the Audi cinema, themed tours, hands-on activities by the Audi Environmental Foundation and interactive sessions from the international locations. All employees were invited to participate in the programme. The company catering was also dedicated to sustainable and regional cuisine this week. With the campaign week, the company made the numerous facets of environmental protection visible throughout the company. In total, more than 100 hours of presentations, campaigns and discussions came from the five Audi locations around the world.
Highlight urgencies, provide inspiration and motivate people to take action.
At the heart of the environmental week, life hacks were developed for a more sustainable everyday life at home or in the office along the four fields of action – decarbonization, resource efficiency, water use and biodiversity – of the Audi environmental program Mission:Zero.
There was an expert impulse for each main topic – as an introduction to the respective daily program – in order to show urgency and relevance, as well as to clarify basic connections. Under the motto "Inspiration for your mission", four talks moderated by were prepared by developing discussion guides and key questions and coordinating essential topic-specific content individually with the Audi experts.
The 60-minute talks were designed as a dialogue format between Alexandra Namyslowski and selected Audi experts. The selected employees gave insights into their very personal Mission:Zero and illustrated why they are committed to this topic at Audi and in their private lives. In addition, numerous viewer questions could be answered thanks to the interactive format.
More awareness, more multipliers, more impact
The second Audi Environment Week was a worldwide offer to activate and inspire the Audi family. It took place at the Audi sites in Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm, Brussels (Belgium), San José Chiapa (Mexico) and Győr (Hungary). For five days, Audi employees were activated by Audi experts on the four Mission:Zero fields of action via various channels and inspired by well-edited content and personal presentations. More than 20,000 employees interacted with the content of the digital programme. There was also a lively public exchange about the Environment Week on LinkedIn and other social media channels. The response from Audi employees was consistently positive and the number of participants more than doubled compared to the previous year.