Lunch & Learn Webinar (held in German) on March 25th from 12 - 1 p.m.
How companies can close the eco-gender gap – the importance of sustainability communication.
The Eco Gender Gap Result: Why women suffer more from the destruction of our livelihoods.
Environmentally unfriendly behaviour: Why do more men than women destroy our livelihoods?
What gender has to do with the destruction of our livelihoods and what companies can do about it.
Challenges and opportunities in sustainability management and sustainability consulting.
Interview with fors founder Frank Sprenger on sustainability consulting and management.
International Children's Day: Child-Suitability in Danger.
“It’s so incredibly beautiful that you actually need new words to describe it.”
The CSRD Gap Assistant: Our free community tool for gap analysis and reporting.
60 percent reduction in the production of ALL plastics required by 2040.
Interview with our Senior Consultant about the changing role of corporate citizenship.
Why we need to talk about water – 365 days a year.
Swimming days has more than doubled at Ammersee – in 30 years.
This is twice as many animal and plant species as in 2019.
World's first law for the comprehensive renaturation of damaged ecosystems.
Why the oceans need a lobby. Interview with Dr. Alexis Katechakis in Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Our expert for climate change and environmental risks Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Höppe looks back.
Appointment of Dr. Katechakis as the only consulting company representative on the board.
Ideas for diversity in organizations and the sports industry.
fors' founder Frank Sprenger at “sustainablility – it counts”.
Interview with Managing Partner and Marine Biologist Dr. Alexis Katechakis.
Together we are working to breathe more life into the seas.
Economic temptations that act as sustainable opportunities.
Philipp Schär on best practices at the eighth network meeting of the Hamburg tax authority.
Interview with Senior Expert in marine topics and biodiversity Prof. Dr. Dr. H. c. Karin Lochte.
Interview with Hendrik Leue and Dr. Alexis Katechakis.
Keynote at the Impact Festival for sustainable innovation.
Our experts provide you with the cross-industry basic knowledge.
Our experts provide you with the cross-industry knowledge.
Sen. VP Sustainability Reporting at Deutsche Post DHL Group + SR TEG member of EFRAG.
We are launching a new event format and look forward to showing ART AND CLEAR EDGE.
Hendrik Leue has been selected to help shape EFRAG's CSRD reporting standards.
Mr. Diaz worked on the creation of the ESRS of the CSRD.
An analysis by Maresa Bachmann, Teresa Stetter and Hendrik Leue.
Interview with our senior expert for risk management + compliance Steven Bechhofer.
Interview with our senior expert on climate change + environmental risks and 14-time COP participant
Also in 2023 we stick to the motto: Get out of the meeting room and into nature!
Scope, roles-understanding and relevance of sport in the context of sustainability.
Why sustainability is rapidly growing part of the sports business.
Why dedicated action is needed in the area of bomb disposal management in oceans.
The directors discuss the impact of the war in Ukraine on sustainability.
"Dumb as a fish" – a fallacy. What really moves fish.
Our director interviewed professional sailor and sustainability activist Boris Herrmann et al.
Our MD moderated the FONA Forum transfer session “Take the market and consumers along”.
The economic value of the world's largest ecosystem.
The UN Ocean Decade is a global campaign to shape the ocean together.
"This almost fanatical desire to bring his people back alive became his driving force."
If everyone were consuming like the people in Germany.
Our CEO Dr. Katechakis in conversation with Ines Schiller – nominee for Founder of the Year.
An article by Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Höppe, our Senior Expert for Climate Change and Environmental Risk
Excerpts from the float originals podcast with Nikolaus Gelpke – Swiss marine biologist and publisher of mare magazine.
An article by our Senior Expert for Nutrition, Prof. em. Dr. Hannelore Daniel
After lots of positive feedback, we'll be offering special Communication Boot Camps in 2022
After lots of positive feedback, we'll be offering special Strategy Boot Camps in 2022
Also in 2022 we stick to the motto: Get out of the meeting room and into nature!
Organisation of a joint webinar with HKPC to share experiences on sustainability implementation in companies
Dr. Katechakis in conversation with our Senior Nutrition Expert Prof. em. Dr. Daniel – Ambassador of the BMBF's NewFoodSystems innovation space
Köhninger, timesarechanging, and
An article by our founder and managing director Frank Sprenger
An article by our Senior Expert for Risk Management & Compliance Steven Bechhofer
Read our intern Klaudia's thoughts on her internship at
"CR is no longer a nice-to-have - it's about being fit for the future."
It's official: commits to even more positive impact as a B Corp!
April 8th / May 27th / August 19th / October 7th
Corporate sustainabiltiy today and tomorrow. Join our 1-day CR Bootcamp with experts from
Listen to the interview about and our approach to sustainability consulting.